The last update was Tuesday 4th of January 2022 9:00 am
Basketball NSW will update this section of our website advising our community if any BNSW events (includes Spalding Waratah Junior and Senior Leagues, High-Performance Programs) have been cancelled or are likely to be cancelled subject to NSW Government rulings.
In making this decision we are factoring in the following; stadium location, stadium capacity, stadium availability, NSW travel restrictions, known covid-19 hotspots, team/participant health, biosafety officer(s) availability, bio measures available at the stadium, that the hosting association has submitted and is an approved as a COVID safe business.
Basketball NSW events are currently set to GREEN.
Please liaise with your local basketball association for further updates on the activities they run.
Local basketball associationsBasketball NSW continues to work closely with the NSW Office of Sport, NSW Health and other government agencies as we plan for the full return of basketball in NSW.
Our localised plan for the return of basketball in NSW is in line with the Federal Governments National Principals for the Resumption of Sport, the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a Covid-19 Environment with Basketball Australia’s Return to Basketball Guidelines providing a strong reference point.
We continue to work with Basketball Australia and the other Basketball States and Territories to develop practical working guides for associations to use in enabling basketball activities to be run as soon as possible, we encourage associations to also read Social Distancing & Hygiene Considerations for Basketball and Sport Activities in a Stadium.
We’re all in this together. Let’s be safe and let’s support each other!
If there are places associated with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days, they will be listed on the NSW Government website
Locations are generally removed 14 days the last known date that a confirmed case was associated with the location.
NSW case locations