Glossary of Basketball NSW acronyms, abbreviations and terms

Acronym Definition
AARC Association Advanced Referee Course
ABHF Australian Basketball Hall of Fame
ACJBC Australian Country Junior Basketball Cup
ADRC Association Development Referee Course
AH Aussie Hoops
AIRC Association Intermediate Referee Course
AJC Australian Junior Championships
AKV Active Kids Voucher
ARDP Advanced Referee Development Program
ARP Advanced Referee Program
ASC Australian Schools Championships
BNSW Basketball New South Wales
CALD Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities
CC Basketball NSW Country Committee
CDP Leeanne Palmer Country Development Program
CDT Country Development Tournament
CoE Basketball Australia Centre of Excellence
CT John Martin Country Tournament
DAP Developing Athletes Program
ECC East Coast Challenge
EOI Expression of Interest
FAAC Finance Audit Assurance Committee
FIBA Federation International Basketball Association
FRIP FIBA Referee Instructor Program
FWBWC FIBA Womens Basketball World Cup
FWBWCLOC 2022 FIBA Womens Basketball World Cup Local Organising Committee
HoF Basketball NSW Hall of Fame
HP High-Performance
IAAG I Am a Girl I Can Do Anything
ICALD Indigenous Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities
ID Basketball for people with an intellectual impairment
IFMG International Facilities Management Group PTY LTD
JDP Junior Referee Development Program
JMCT John Martin Country Tournament
JPL Junior Premier League
LGA Local Government Authority
LOC Local Organising Committee
MAC Metropolitan Advisory Committee
MJL Metropolitan Junior League
MPIO Member Protection Investigation Officer
MPO Member Protection Officer
NBL National Basketball League
NBL ERP National Basketball League Elite Referees Program
NBL1 National Basketball League – East Division
NCAS National Coaching Accreditation Scheme
NEJL Northern Eastern Junior League
NPP National Performance Program for Players
NRDP National Referees Development Program
NWBL National Wheelchair Basketball League
OoS NSW Office of Sport
PWID Persons With an Intellectual Impairment
RAP Reconciliation Action Plan
RASI Regional Academies of Sport
RDO’s Basketball NSW Regional Develop Officers
RDP Referees Development Program
RIDP Referee Instructor Development Program
SCC Southern Cross Challenge
SJL Southern Junior League
SPP State Performance Program for Players
SRDP State Referees Development Program
SS Sporting Schools
SSM Sports Stadium Management
TAP Talented Athlete Program
TBN The Basketball Network
WAC Waratah Advisory Committee
W1YM Waratah 1 Youth Men
W1YW Waratah 1 Youth Women
W2YM Waratah 2 Youth Men
WABC World Association of Basketball Coaches
WB Walking Basketball
WiB Women in Basketball
WJL Western Junior League
WM Waratah Men
WNBL Women’s National Basketball League
WNWBL Women National Wheelchair Basketball League
WW Waratah Women
+/- Plus Minus
2P% Two Points Percentage
2PA Two Points Attempted
2PM Two Points Made
3P% Three Points Percentage
3PA Three Points Attempted
AST Assists
BLK Blocks
DR Defensive Rebound
Eff Efficiency
FG% Field Goal Percentage
FGA Field Goals Attempted
FGM Field Goals Made
FT% Free Throw Percentage
FTA Free Throws Attempted
FTM Free Throws Made
MIN Minutes
OR Offensive Rebound
PF Fouls
PTS Points
REB Rebounds
STL Steals
TO Turnovers